William Talcott, a prominent San Francisco poet with dual Irish citizenship, had fans all over the world. But when he died in June of bone marrow cancer, his daughter couldn't notify most of his contacts because his e-mail account--and the online address book he used--was locked up.
Talcott, 69, a friend of beatnik Neal Cassady, apparently took his password to the grave.
I'm a little divided on this one. I have a lot of things locked up (email, online accounts, encrypted USB drives, finances) and while for some things it would be easier if access was granted when I shrug off this mortal coil, there are others I don't want anyone to see --especially family members.
Some kind of third party escrow service could work here. Someone to hold passwords, pass-phrases, and encryption keys in trust and surrendering them according to the dictates in the will (or next of kin if no will exists).